freecascadingslots| A-share carnival! More than 4500 stocks rose in red, and more than 100 stocks rose daily. This sector set off a wave of daily trading.

Date: 5个月前 (04-29)View: 63Comments: 0

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Wu Yongfang

A shares rose sharply for two consecutive days, the Prev recovered 3100 points today, the gem index and the Kechuang 50 index rose more than 3%; the turnover of the two markets exceeded trillion yuan for two days in a row, and northward funds bought more than 33 billion yuan in two days.

Specifically, the stock indexes of the two cities rose unilaterally again today, and the Prev broke through 3100 points in one fell swoop. As of the close, the Prev is up 0%.Freecascadingslots.79% at 3113.04 points, the Shenzhen Composite Index rose 2.22% to 9673.76 points, the gem Index rose 3.5% to 1887.57 points, and the Kechuang 50 Index rose more than 3%. The total turnover of the two markets was 1.2111 trillion yuan, an increase of 124.7 billion yuan over the previous trading day. Northbound funds bought about 10.9 billion yuan net, adding up to 33.34 billion yuan in the past two trading days.

More than 4500 shares floated red on the floor, and more than 100 shares rose by the limit. The real estate sector broke out, Vanke A, Jindi Group, special services and other more than 30 shares rose by the daily limit; the brokerage plate continued to be active, Guosheng Financial Control two boards, the Pacific trading limit; the semiconductor plate strengthened, Qingyi Optoelectronics, Anji Technology rose nearly 17%; the concept of car disassembly is eye-catching, Huahong Technology, Tianqi shares, Greenbeauty and other trading limit Solid-state battery concept pulled up, Ke Liyuan, Shanghai Ziba and other trading limit, Enjie shares rose more than 7%, Ningde era rose more than 5% to reach a new high for the year.

As for Hong Kong stocks, the two major stock indexes rose sharply in intraday trading, with both rising more than 2% in the afternoon and falling back in the afternoon, and the Hang Seng Technology Index turned green. By the close, the Hang Seng Index was up 0.54% at 17746.91, while the Hang Seng Technology Index was down 0.13% at 3713.32. In terms of individual stocks, Shimao Group is up more than 60%, Sunac China is up nearly 30%, country Garden Service is up 11%, Longhu Group and BYD Electronics are up about 7%, AIA is up more than 6%, and Bank of China is up nearly 5%.

freecascadingslots| A-share carnival! More than 4500 stocks rose in red, and more than 100 stocks rose daily. This sector set off a wave of daily trading.

The real estate sector rises and stops.

The real estate sector rose strongly today, as of the close, Debi Group, special services, Rongsheng Development, Vanke A, Jindi Group and other more than 30 shares rose by the daily limit.

Building materials and home furnishings also showed some performance. as of the close, Beixin Building Materials, Meike Home, Shandong Huapeng (rights protection) rose by the daily limit, Camellia shares rose nearly 8%, Jianlang hardware, Oriental Yuhong and Sophia rose about 7%.

In terms of the industry, recently, new policies on the property market have been introduced intensively in many places, stimulating potential housing demand by abolishing purchase restrictions, relaxing residence restrictions and introducing measures such as "trade-in" and other measures. On April 28, Chengdu Housing and Construction Bureau issued a notice to make it clear that citywide housing transactions will no longer examine the eligibility for housing purchases, that is, citywide housing transactions will no longer examine household registration, social security and other purchase conditions, and will no longer limit the number of units purchased. On April 27th, the official account of "Nanjing Anju" issued a notice on the implementation of stock housing "trade-in" pilot activities of Nanjing Anju Construction Group, with a limit of 2000 sets in the first batch of pilot projects. In addition, on April 23, Shenzhen launched a housing replacement campaign to promote the trade-in of second-hand housing.

The agency said that at present, the signal of stable land production is clear, and it is expected that the future real estate policy will continue to be loose, and there is still room for the release of housing demand. Mega-cities are actively and steadily promoting the transformation of urban villages, and more counter-cyclical adjustment measures are expected to speed up the landing. The sector still has good investment opportunities.

Ping an Securities pointed out that with the gradual release of the performance risk in the annual report season, policy support continues to be released in the future. At the end of April, Chengdu fully liberalized purchase restrictions, superimposed Hong Kong stock real estate rebounded sharply, and some investors arranged real estate for bargain-hunting ahead of time, leading to a recent rebound in the sector. In the medium to long term, when house prices stabilize is still the key to determine whether there is a trend opportunity in the sector. as the base falls in the second half of the year, the year-on-year decline in real estate sales is expected to gradually narrow, focusing on the possibility of house prices stabilizing. Due to the continuous adjustment of house prices in the past few years, there may be iterations in the stabilization of house prices in the future, and there will also be iterations in the confirmation of bottoming out in the market, which will eventually form a consistent expectation, so there will also be opportunities to get on the right side of the plate at that time.

Semiconductor plate pull up

Semiconductor plate intraday shock higher, as of the close, Qingyi Optoelectronics, Anji Technology rose nearly 17%, Tianyue Advanced rose nearly 13%, Broadcom integrated limit, Essen shares, Puran shares rose more than 9%.

On the news, today, a spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce answered a reporter's question on Japan's plans to tighten export controls on semiconductors and other areas. The Ministry of Commerce said that we have taken note of the announcement by the Japanese government of its intention to impose export controls on related items in semiconductors and other areas, and China is seriously concerned about this.

Semiconductor is a highly globalized industry. after decades of development, it has formed an industrial pattern of you and me, which is the result of the joint action of market law and enterprise choice. For some time, individual countries have frequently generalized the concept of national security, abused export control measures, artificially separated the global semiconductor market, seriously deviated from the principles of free trade and multilateral trade rules, and seriously affected the stability of the global industrial chain supply chain. The relevant measures proposed by the Japanese side will seriously affect normal trade relations between Chinese and Japanese enterprises, harm others at the expense of themselves, and damage the stability of the global supply chain. China urges Japan to proceed from the overall situation of bilateral economic and trade relations, correct erroneous practices in a timely manner, and jointly maintain the stability of the global industrial chain supply chain. China will take necessary measures to resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises.

For this plate, Dongguan Securities pointed out that in April, the semiconductor sector has successively disclosed the annual report of 2023 and the quarterly report of 2024. Judging from the performance of enterprises that have been disclosed, storage and semiconductor equipment and materials performed well in the first quarter, such as North Huachuang, Zhaoyi Innovation, Demingli, Lan Qi Technology and other enterprises exceeded market expectations in the first quarter, indicating that the industry is booming and the recovery of the plate is strong. As the basis of modern information technology, semiconductors are of great significance for the development of new productivity. With the gradual disclosure of the 2023 annual report and the first quarterly report of 2024, stocks with better performance are expected to achieve better relative returns. It is recommended to focus on the investment opportunities of storage, CIS, closed testing and semiconductor equipment.

The concept of solid state battery is active

The concept of solid-state battery is active today. as of the close, Tiannai Technology is up more than 12%, Ke Liyuan, Shanghai Ziba and Greenmei are up by the daily limit, Enjie shares are up nearly 8%, Ganfeng lithium industry is up nearly 7%, and Ningde era is up 5.6% back above 200 yuan, setting a new high for the year.

On April 28th, at the CIBF2024 advanced battery cutting-edge technology seminar, Wu Kai, chief scientist of Ningde Times, revealed the progress of the company's automotive all-solid-state battery research and development and industrialization. Wu Kai said that in 2027, Ningde era has great opportunities for small batch production of all-solid-state batteries, rapid progress in sulphide routes, and has established a 10Ah-level all-solid-state battery verification platform. If the maturity index of all-solid-state battery is expressed by the number 1mur9, the current maturity of Ningde era is at the level of 4, and the goal is to reach the level of 2027 to 7mur8, which means that it is possible to produce all-solid-state batteries in small quantities, and there is a great chance. But mass production may still face problems such as cost.

The research and development and mass production of all-solid-state batteries is a very arduous task. Wu Kai said that the company has gathered forces from all sides to jointly tackle key problems with all parties in the industrial chain and universities. From the point of view of the technology maturity and manufacturing maturity of all-solid-state battery, it is expected to gradually enter the mature period in the next 3 years.

Dongguan Securities pointed out that at present, the traditional lithium battery industry has entered the stage of overcapacity, and it is an inevitable trend for the industry to improve quality, reduce cost and increase efficiency through technological innovation and material iteration. Solid state battery is recognized as the next generation battery all over the world. In 2023, the domestic semi-solid battery takes the lead in mass production, and the industrialization process is expected to accelerate, which will bring new development opportunities for the iterative upgrading of the lithium battery industry chain. It is recommended to pay attention to the leading companies in the field of solid-state batteries and new material systems for solid-state batteries.


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