freebingonodepositrequired|英国伦敦股市6日休市 欧洲其他两大主要股指上涨

Date: 5个月前 (05-07)View: 81Comments: 0

News summary

[The London stock market was closed on the 6th, and the other two major European stock indexes rose] Securities Times e Company Newsfreebingonodepositrequired, the London stock market was closed on the 6th due to holidaysfreebingonodepositrequired, the other two major European stock indexes rose on the day. The French Paris stock market CAC40 index closed at 7,996 on the same dayfreebingonodepositrequired.64 points, higher than the previous trading dayfreebingonodepositrequired...

Newsletter text

[The UK's London stock market was closed on the 6th, and the other two major European stock indexes rose.] Securities Times e Company News that the UK's London stock market was closed on the 6th due to holidays, and the other two major European stock indexes rose that day. The French Paris stock market CAC40 index closed at 7,996.64 points that day, up 39.07 points or 0.49% from the previous trading day; the German Frankfurt stock market DAX index closed at 18,175.21 points, up 173.61 points or 0.96% from the previous trading day.

freebingonodepositrequired|英国伦敦股市6日休市 欧洲其他两大主要股指上涨


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