bestnewblockchaingames| The State Administration of Financial Supervision should create a clairvoyance and smooth ears for supervision

Date: 4个月前 (05-23)View: 60Comments: 0

Source: RMB observation

Strengthen the use of regulatory science and technology to enhance regulatory penetration to create regulatory clairvoyance and downwind ears

Party Branch of Science and Technology Supervision Department of the General Administration of Financial Supervision

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made a series of important expositions on the major theoretical and practical issues in the development of the financial cause.BestnewblockchaingamesOur party's understanding of the essential law and development path of financial work has been raised to a new height, which is an important innovative achievement of Marxist political economy on financial issues. it provides a fundamental follow and action guide for the new era and new journey to promote the high-quality development of finance. The Department of Science and Technology Supervision will resolutely implement the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, speed up the digital and intelligent transformation of supervision in accordance with the work arrangements of the Party Committee of the General Administration of Financial Supervision, and help improve the ability of financial supervision and governance in an all-round way.

bestnewblockchaingames| The State Administration of Financial Supervision should create a clairvoyance and smooth ears for supervision

I. improve the political position and adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee over financial work.

At the Central Financial work Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping made it clear that financial supervision should make extensive use of financial science and technology, and improve the ability of digital supervision and financial consumer protection. The party committee of the General Administration of Financial Supervision attached great importance to the digital transformation of supervision, set up a leading group for the digital transformation of supervision headed by Comrade Li Yunze, and formulated an implementation plan for the digital and intelligent transformation of the General Administration of Financial Supervision. The Department of Science and Technology Supervision has earnestly unified its thinking and action into the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, and under the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, has thoroughly understood the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on financial work. In the next step, under the leadership of the leading group on the digital transformation of supervision by the General Administration of Financial Supervision, we will anchor and implement the general goal of strong supervision and strict supervision, and co-ordinate and organize to promote the implementation of the implementation plan. It will provide strong support for comprehensively strengthening financial supervision, preventing and defusing financial risks, and actively contribute to promoting high-quality financial development and speeding up the construction of a financial power.

Second, promote the digital reengineering of supervision process, improve the standardization level of supervision process, and improve the scientific level of supervision and decision-making.

At the special seminar on promoting high-quality financial development for major leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial level, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed the need to strengthen the use of regulatory science and technology, enhance regulatory penetration, and create regulatory clairvoyance and ears.

The General Administration of Financial Supervision is actively exploring the digital transformation of supervision, building a regulatory big data platform to analyze the financing, financial and risk profiles of regulated institutions and major customers from multiple perspectives, and promote the standardization of regulatory process. to achieve the full process of bank rating and early warning online. In the next step, we will continue to promote the unification of regulatory standards for similar businesses, strengthen the hard constraints of the regulatory process, develop intelligent auxiliary tools, and achieve man-machine coordination in the key links of access work. Build an intelligent management platform for inspection to improve the efficiency of inspection and the ability of accurate guidance. Comprehensively promote the standardization and digitization of off-site supervision process, and achieve a consistent framework and transparency of off-site supervision process. At the same time, we will comprehensively upgrade the supervision big data platform, build a "smart supervision platform", provide a "one-stop" workbench for system-wide regulators, and support the dynamic supervision of the full cycle of financial institutions, the whole process of financial risks, and the whole chain of financial business.

Third, develop intelligent identification tools to enhance regulatory penetration and enhance risk identification and early warning forward-looking.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that accurate prediction of risks is the basis and prerequisite for preventing and defusing risks. Financial risks are hidden, sudden and contagious, so we must carry out forward-looking discovery and early warning with the help of advanced technology. In recent years, the General Administration of Financial Supervision has carried out some active explorations by using map data and other new technologies, and the next step will continue to increase the innovative application of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, enrich penetrating regulatory tools and embed regulatory processes. Make a penetrating analysis on the identity of shareholders, equity investment, foreign investment, shareholder behavior and capital flow, and strengthen the penetrating supervision of shareholders and their related parties. Optimize monitoring indicators and evaluation models, and strengthen the monitoring of illegal financial activities. We will establish a model for co-construction, sharing and co-governance, and support financial risk prevention and early treatment.

Fourth, promote the construction of supervision big data, deepen the governance of supervision data, and consolidate the data foundation of the "five major supervision".

As a new type of production factor, data is the basis of digitalization, networking and intelligence. General Secretary Xi Jinping made it clear at the Central Financial work Conference that accounting fraud and audit fraud should be cracked down on in accordance with the law, so as to ensure the authenticity of financial data. The General Administration of Financial Supervision will further strengthen the source control of regulatory data quality, establish a collaborative supervision mechanism for data quality, build a map of regulatory data assets, give full play to the value of regulatory data, and inject strong digital impetus into the overall improvement of regulatory capacity. Relying on the design of the regulatory "one-form access" system and the construction of the credibility zone, the on-demand processing of the business detail data at the bottom of the organization is used to replace the traditional report submission, so as to improve the integrity, accuracy and timeliness of the regulatory data. At the same time, enrich external data collection, integrate and gather all kinds of data resources, achieve accurate "portraits" of enterprise entities and financial institutions, and strengthen risk research, assessment, monitoring and early warning.

Fifth, strengthen the construction of regulatory infrastructure, create a team of digital regulatory personnel, and build a good regulatory science and technology ecology.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen capacity building, upgrade the scientific and technological level of supervision, make up for the shortcomings of supervision, and strengthen the building of the contingent of financial supervision cadres. Financial supervision is a systematic project, and it is necessary to strengthen the coordination of supervision. First, consolidate the infrastructure base, create a "digital cloud network" integrated regulatory cloud platform system, give full play to the regulatory support role of bureau management units, and provide green, intensive, safe and reliable integrated computing services for the whole system. The second is to strengthen the building of a contingent of talents and train compound talents who understand regulatory business, science and technology and data. We will strengthen system-wide digital training and improve the ability of regulators to use data mining, data analysis and intelligent tools. The third is to build a good ecology, give full play to the technological advantages of banking and insurance institutions, and form a good situation in which regulatory science and technology, financial science and technology, and compliance science and technology promote each other. We will guide the construction of a comprehensive financial service platform and support the coordination of central and local supervision with local party committees and governments to jointly build a digital, intelligent and open regulatory science and technology ecology.

Chief Financial Review:

The General Administration of Financial Supervision should create clairvoyance and ears for supervision.

Dahe, chief financial commentator of China Financial Network

In recent years, with the rapid development and changes of the financial industry, financial supervision is also facing new challenges and opportunities. In order to adapt to changes in the financial sector and improve the level of supervision, the State Financial Supervision Administration actively promotes the application of science and technology supervision, and is committed to creating a clairvoyant and easy-to-hear supervision to better maintain financial market order, prevent financial risks, and promote high-quality financial development.

Political stance has been improved, and the party's centralized and unified leadership over financial work has been emphasized. The Party Committee of the State Administration of Financial Supervision established a leading group for the digital transformation of supervision and formulated an implementation plan to promote the digital and intelligent transformation of supervision. High-level leaders have made important expositions on the development of the financial industry, led the improvement of understanding of financial work, and guided the high-quality development of finance in the new era.

The digital reengineering of regulatory processes has improved the standardization level of regulatory processes and the scientific level of decision-making. The State Administration of Financial Supervision explores the construction of a regulatory big data platform to realize online operation of the entire process, unify regulatory standards, improve hard constraints on regulatory processes, promote the standardization and digitalization of off-site regulatory processes, build a smart regulatory platform, and achieve full-system dynamic supervision.

By developing intelligent identification tools, the State Administration of Financial Supervision has improved its regulatory penetration capabilities and forward-looking risk identification and early warning. Use new technologies such as artificial intelligence to strengthen penetration supervision of shareholders and their related parties, optimize monitoring indicators and evaluation models, establish a model co-construction, sharing and co-governance mechanism, and support financial risk prevention.

The construction of regulatory big data has been deepened and regulatory data governance has been strengthened, laying a solid foundation for the "five major regulatory" data. The State Administration of Financial Supervision strengthens the quality control of regulatory data, builds a regulatory data asset map, gives full play to the value of regulatory data, improves the integrity and accuracy of regulatory data, enriches external data collection, and strengthens risk research, judgment, monitoring and early warning.

Strengthen the construction of regulatory infrastructure, create a team of digital regulatory talents, and build a good regulatory science and technology ecosystem. The State Administration of Financial Supervision consolidates the foundation of infrastructure, cultivates compound talents, builds a regulatory science and technology ecosystem, promotes regulatory coordination, and forms a good situation.

The State Financial Supervision Administration is committed to building a clairvoyant and pleasant ear for supervision, continuously improving regulatory capabilities, promoting high-quality financial development, and providing strong support for the stable and healthy development of the financial market. In the journey of the new era, financial supervision will use more intelligent and digital means to strengthen supervision, ensure the safe and steady operation of the financial system, and contribute to building a financial power.


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