gofishing| In the new season, merchants are more motivated to get goods during the sprouting period of red dates. Experts suggest waiting and waiting for the 2409 contract of red dates in the short term.

Date: 5个月前 (04-18)View: 80Comments: 0

Newsletter summary

With the sprouting of jujube trees in the main producing areas of Xinjiang, the enthusiasm of taking goods in the jujube market has increased. The storage of gray jujube in the production and marketing area is the main action, and some merchants sweep the goods in advance. Although the high price of self-owned goods is facing shipping pressure, the market demand has picked up and the market volume has increased after the holiday, which will provide support for the market in the short term. Experts suggest that we should adopt a short-term wait-and-see strategy for jujube 2409 contracts and pay attention to the dynamics of producing areas, inventory changes, market demand and merchant behavior, so as to make reasonable investment decisions.

Text of news flash

As the jujube trees in the main producing areas of Xinjiang enter the budding stage of the new season, the enthusiasm of taking goods in the jujube market also increases. The storage of gray jujube in the production and marketing area has become the main action, and some merchants even go to the production area to sweep the goods before storage. However, as the market transaction is mainly based on the arrival of goods at the low-end price in the parking area, the high-priced goods owned by customers are facing the pressure of delivery. In spite of this, downstream merchants replenish goods on demand, and the volume of goods in the post-holiday market has increased, providing for the jujube market in the short term.GofishingTo support. [short-term wait-and-see at the operational level] on this basis, experts suggest that a short-term wait-and-see strategy be adopted for the jujube 2409 contract at the operational level. Analysts believe that although the current sales area has significantly reduced the volume of goods, but the improvement of merchants' enthusiasm for taking goods has provided a certain degree of support for the jujube market in the short term.

gofishing| In the new season, merchants are more motivated to get goods during the sprouting period of red dates. Experts suggest waiting and waiting for the 2409 contract of red dates in the short term.

In this context, investors should pay attention to the following pointsGofishing:

oneGofishing. Dynamics of producing areas: jujube trees in the main producing areas of Xinjiang have entered the budding stage of the new season, indicating that the production of red dates in the new season is about to begin. Investors should pay close attention to the weather changes in the producing areas, production costs and other factors to assess their possible impact on the price of jujube.

twoGofishing. Inventory change: the continuous decline in the inventory of red jujube sample sites means that the market supply is decreasing. If inventories continue to decline, it may exert upward pressure on jujube prices.

3. Market demand: the increase in the volume of goods in the post-holiday market reflects the pick-up of market demand. Investors should pay attention to the changes of market demand in order to judge its impact on the price of red jujube.

4. Merchant behavior: the enthusiasm of merchants to take goods has been improved, which will support the jujube market in the short term. However, the pressure on the shipments of high-priced goods owned by customers may have a certain impact on market sentiment.

5. Operation suggestion: experts suggest to adopt a short-term wait-and-see strategy for jujube 2409 contract. In the case of high market uncertainty, short-term wait-and-see helps investors to avoid unnecessary risks.

To sum up, although the current jujube market is facing some pressure, the improvement of merchants' enthusiasm for taking goods has provided support for the market in the short term. Investors should pay attention to the production area dynamics, inventory changes, market demand, merchant behavior and other factors in order to make a more reasonable investment decision. At the same time, experts recommend short-term wait-and-see to avoid unnecessary risks.

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