scratchwebsite| Soochow Securities: Waiting for coal prices to rebound in peak season, optimistic about the offensive attributes of the sector

Date: 5个月前 (04-28)View: 65Comments: 0

News summary

Soochow securitiesscratchwebsite: Waiting for coal prices to rebound in the peak season, optimistic about the offensive properties of the sector. Securities Times News, Soochow Securities Research News pointed out that after the disclosure of the first quarterly report at the end of April, the negative was releasedscratchwebsite; Entering May, as coal prices strengthen, opportunities for offensive investment and allocation in the sector are coming; considering the boom in traditional thermal coalscratchwebsite.scratchwebsite..

Newsletter text

Soochow Securities: Waiting for coal prices to rebound in the peak season, optimistic about the offensive properties of the sector. Securities Times News, Soochow Securities Research News pointed out that after the disclosure of the first quarterly report at the end of April, the negative was released; entering May, as coal prices strengthened, the sector's investment offensive allocation opportunities are coming; Considering that entering the traditional peak season of thermal coal, coking coal prices will follow the increase in thermal coal prices, but thermal coal prices are more elastic, so the first high-elastic targets for thermal coal are launched: Guanghui Energy, Haohua Energy and Shaanxi Coal Industry, as well as China Shenhua, the high-dividend target, suggest focusing on Yankuang Energy, the high-elasticity target of thermal coal. Proofread: Tao Qian

scratchwebsite| Soochow Securities: Waiting for coal prices to rebound in peak season, optimistic about the offensive attributes of the sector


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