
Date: 5个月前 (05-02)View: 66Comments: 0

In the stock marketEzbaccaratonlineThe daily moving average is an important technical index commonly used by investors, which can help investors judge the trend of stocks and market sentiment. The core of daily moving average observation is to understand the moving average of different time periods, and to be able to make a comprehensive judgment combined with other technical indicators.


First of all, let's take a look at the basic concept of the daily average. The daily moving average refers to the value calculated by averaging the closing price over a certain period of time, usually using the 5-day, 10-day, 20-day, 60-day and 120-day moving average. These averages can reflect the average price of stocks over different periods of time, thus helping investors to judge the trend of the market.

So how to use the daily moving average to make investment decisions? Here are some common observation methods:

The five-day moving average reflects the average price of stocks for nearly five trading days, which is an important reference line for short-term trading. The stock price is above the five-day moving average, indicating that the short-term moving average has upward momentum. The stock price is below the 5-day moving average, indicating that there is downward momentum in the short term. The 10-day moving average reflects the average price of the stock for nearly 10 trading days. It is the dividing line between the short-term and the middle line. The stock price breaks through the 10-day moving average, indicating that the mid-line trend may turn upwards. The stock price fell below the 10-day moving average, indicating that the midline trend may turn into a falling 20-day moving average, which reflects the stock's average price for nearly 20 trading days. It is an important reference line for midline trading. The stock price is above the 20-day moving average, indicating that the mid-line trend is good. The stock price is below the 20-day moving average, indicating that the trend of the middle line is weak. The 60-day moving average reflects the average price of the stock for nearly 60 trading days, which is the dividing line between the middle line and the long term. The stock price breaks through the 60-day moving average, indicating that the long-term trend may turn upwards. The stock price fell below the 60-day moving average, indicating that the long-term trend may turn into a decline in the 120-day moving average, which reflects the stock's average price for nearly 120 trading days, and is an important reference line for long-term trading. The stock price is above the 120-day moving average, indicating that the long-term trend is better; the stock price is below the 120-day moving average, indicating that the long-term trend is weak.

It should be noted that the daily average is only one of many technical indicators, investors should combine other technical indicators and market information in the actual operation to make a comprehensive judgment. In addition, the performance of the EMA will be different in different stocks and market environment, and investors need to use it flexibly according to the specific situation.


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