roulettist|“五一”票房破15亿元 杨幂的“火锅”却撤了!涉及两家上市公司

Date: 5个月前 (05-05)View: 67Comments: 0

The May Day holiday is coming to an endRoulettistThe newly released film "report Card" was also released at the box office.RoulettistYes.

According to Cat's Eye Professional Edition, as of 16:00 on May 5, the total box office of May 1 new films in 2024 (including pre-sale) reached 15.Roulettist.45 billion yuan! "peacekeeping and Anti-riot team", "spending recklessly" and "the besieged City of Kowloon walled City" ranked top three at the box office, with 394 million yuan, 370 million yuan and 314 million yuan respectively.

The "report card" is basically the same as last year. According to statistics from the State Film Administration, the box office of the May 1st edition (April 29 to May 3) in 2023 was 1.519 billion yuan, with 37.63 million moviegoers and 86.52% of domestic films.

Looking back at the new May Day film in 2024, the film "nothing that cannot be solved by Hot Pot" starring Yang Mi and Yu Qian announced its withdrawal from May 1, which has become a hot topic at the end of the holiday.

At 12:00 on May 5, the publisher of "nothing that can't be solved by Hot Pot" said that since its release, the film has not been seen with a wider audience due to various environmental factors. "here, I would like to express my special thanks to the friends who have made efforts to improve the production, and to say sorry to the audience who wanted to see 'Hot Pot' but didn't meet each other.Roulettist! "

The producer said that after a careful study of the current situation, in order to meet the needs of more audiences, "Hot Pot" will be withdrawn on May 6 (the studio that has already opened can continue to show) and meet you again on another day.

The suspense comedy "there is nothing that cannot be solved by Hot Pot" is produced by Oriental Meizhi (Beijing) Film Co., Ltd., Beijing Bina Qiancheng Film and Television Co., Ltd., Ningbo Gongzhi Film Co., Ltd., Zhongjing e-sports Entertainment Co., Ltd., Beijing Tangde International Film Culture Co., Ltd. Wuxi Jia Bainian Film Co., Ltd., Shanghai Seven Cat Culture Media Co., Ltd., Shanghai Taobaopiao Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., Beijing Times Light and Film Culture Media Co., Ltd., etc.

The film tells the story of four strangers sharing the spoils in the backstage storeroom of the theater, accidentally involved in a murder, a hot hot pot rolling with endless suspense, greed and deceit leading to a series of reversals, and finally, the special identity of the four gradually surfaced. In 2024, the film won the Chinese Film big data and Movie Channel M list Honor Night of the year focus Film Award in 2023.

It is worth noting that the two listed companies, Tangde Film and Television (300426) and Baina Qiancheng (300291), are the joint producers of "hot pot".

In the 2023 annual report disclosed on the evening of April 28, Tangde Film and Television mentioned that the films invested by the company, such as "nothing that cannot be solved by a hot pot", are in the stage of publicity and post-production. In the 2023 annual report disclosed on the evening of April 24, Bainer Qicheng said that the company's suspense comedy "there is nothing that cannot be solved by a hot pot" and other high-quality films have completed production and entered the post-production and review stage.

As early as the end of December 2023, "there is nothing that can't be solved by hot pot" announced its official entry into May 1, 2024, and released a new set of character posters. In the poster, the leading actors Yang Mi, Yu Qian, Tian Yu, Yu Ailei and Li Jiuxiao each hold a drama mask, reflecting the hidden face, making the character full of mysterious attraction.

Speaking of the original intention of this suspense comedy, director Ding Sheng said it was a pure original work. "without any reference to any film or any passage that can be imitated, I just want to challenge the extent to which our original story can be made up." Later, the director also admitted that the creative process to "fill all the holes dug" is "very brain-consuming", but this challenge is also full of "novelty and fun" and "very fruitful" in the end.

roulettist|“五一”票房破15亿元 杨幂的“火锅”却撤了!涉及两家上市公司

However, in the May 1 new film, this "hot pot" does not seem to arouse the appetite of more moviegoers. As of 16:00 on May 5, "Hot Pot" only ranked sixth with 52.7658 million yuan at the box office of the eight new films released. Of this total, the film grossed 18.209 million yuan on its first day of release and fell to 9.45 million yuan the next day.

The sudden withdrawal of the film after its release has become a major feature of the film and television circle in 2024.

According to preliminary statistics of the State Film Administration, during the Spring Festival holiday in 2024, the national box office was 8.016 billion yuan, and the number of moviegoers was 163 million. The box office, the number of moviegoers and the number of screenings all reached a new high in Chinese film history. However, several films such as "We shake the Sun", "Huang Ji: the Cat of Wealth", "Mr. Red carpet" and "the lower boundary of the canopy of Bajie" have been announced one after another, which is jokingly called "the first year of withdrawal" by some netizens.

Among them, Mr. Red carpet, directed by Ning Hao and starring Andy Lau, grossed only 8000 million yuan in its eight days of release. The box office was still dismal after it reopened on March 15th. Lianrui Pictures, the lead producer of "Let's shake the Sun", said there was a major mistake in the timing, and the film grossed more than 200 million yuan after its re-release.

Some analysts have previously pointed out that the film is the art of cooperation, and the matter of file selection should be carefully decided by combining the film's tone, schedule characteristics and audience positioning. And once the decision is made, the film should also be held responsible. It is true that the reversal of the market against the wind is full of blood and highlights, but from the current example, it is very likely that it will not work.


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