powerballmoney| The scale of land reserve investment has decreased, but wheat still cannot support it? Corn is running steadily and strongly

Date: 4个月前 (05-27)View: 83Comments: 0

powerballmoney| The scale of land reserve investment has decreased, but wheat still cannot support it? Corn is running steadily and strongly

The price of wheat has fallen in a large area.

Wheat prices in the producing areas began to fall on a large scale last weekend, and the decline is still the same today, with a decline of 5%-2%. At present, the wheat purchase price of flour enterprises in the producing areas is generally 1.Powerballmoney.21-1.3 yuan / jin.

At present, Shandong, Hebei, Henan and Hubei have issued announcements to suspend the sale of provincial reserve wheat, and the scale of land storage wheat has decreased, which is obvious to the wheat market.PowerballmoneyPositive, but at this stage, the overall market response is relatively insipid, continue to pay attention to the new season wheat production, local new wheat collection and storage, as well as market buying and selling sentiment.

According to the agricultural situation dispatch of the Ministry of Agriculture and villages, as of May 23, the harvest of winter wheat in southwest China is coming to an end, with 65% in Hubei, 5.3% in Anhui, 4.8% in Henan, and sporadic harvest in Jiangsu.

Around May 27 and 30, there will be light to moderate rain in Huang-Huai, Jianghan, and other places, and local heavy rain or thunderstorms, strong winds and other strong convective weather, the wheat harvest will be temporarily blocked, and the heavy precipitation weather will easily cause stagnant water in low-lying wheat fields and wheat lodging, increasing the difficulty of machine harvesting operations in the later stage; June 2-4, North China, Huang-Huai and other areas had a daily maximum temperature of 35-38 ℃ in 1-3 days, which was disadvantageous to the full filling of winter wheat.

Many noodle enterprises cut the purchase price of wheat

Jiangsu area: the price of net grain of common wheat in Suqian area is 1.26 yuan / jin, which is reduced by 0.005 yuan / jin; the price of new red wheat in Xinghua area of Taizhou is 1.245 yuan / jin; it is basically stable.

Anhui region: Bozhou area noodle enterprise Xinmai purchase price 1.24-1.26 yuan / jin, basically stable in recent days.

Shandong area: wheat purchase price of flour enterprises in Dezhou area is 1.265-1.28yuan / jin, generally reduced by 0.005 yuan / jin; new wheat in Heze area is quoted at 1.255-1.28yuan / jin, generally falling by 0.01yuan / jin; the net grain price of common wheat in Liaocheng area is about 1.265 yuan / jin; the purchase price of new wheat in Weifang area is about 1.28yuan / jin. The price of Chen Mai, a noodle enterprise in Qingdao, is 1.275-1.295 yuan / jin, which remains stable.

Henan area: the purchase price of noodle enterprises in Xinxiang area is 1.25-1.275 yuan / jin; the purchase price of noodle enterprises in Shangqiu area is about 1.26 yuan / jin; the purchase price of noodle enterprises in Suiping area of Zhumadian is about 1.25 yuan / jin, an increase of 0.007 yuan / jin; the purchase price of flour enterprises in Zhoukou area is 1.24-1.26 yuan / jin, which is basically stable.

Hebei area: Xingtai area noodle enterprise new wheat factory price 1.27-1.275 yuan / jin, lower than last week about 0.01yuan / jin; Handan area noodle enterprise new wheat purchase price 1.255-1.26yuan / jin, steadily decreased 0.005-0.01yuan / jin; Hengshui Shenzhou area noodle enterprise Pumai purchase price 1.275 yuan / jin, reduced by 0.005 yuan / jin.

The transaction of wheat procurement by competitive bidding today

The sales volume of wheat bidding today

The two-way transaction of wheat purchase and sale today


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The rising trend of corn in producing areas slows down.

Today, the overall corn spot market is stable and strong, but the rise is slower than last week.

The continuous rainfall weather in North China over the weekend affected the circulation of corn, and the quantity at the grass-roots level continued to shrink. After the quantity at the factory door decreased significantly, the price reduction trend of deep processing enterprises gradually slowed down, and the demand of deep processing and feed enterprises was relatively stable. Processing enterprises adjust prices narrowly according to their own inventory conditions. Today, Shandong deep processing delivery vehicles 499 vehicles, 49 vehicles less than yesterday, corn prices slightly increased.

The grass-roots surplus grain in Northeast China has basically bottomed out, the cost of grain hoarding by traders has increased, it is difficult to collect grain, and the mentality of keeping prices and selling prices has become stronger. After the purchase price has been raised, the goods are still mainly contract grain. Traders mainly supply the surrounding deep processing enterprises and grain depots, the downstream demand is insufficient, the market transaction slows down, the overall price is basically stable, and sporadic enterprises in Inner Mongolia raise the purchase price.

Affected by the overcast and rainy weather, the arrival volume of the northern port is not much, about 13000 tons in the morning, with the increase in shipping demand, the main body of grain collection increases, and the purchase price is mainly stable. The mainstream price of water and bulk density of Jinzhou Port is 2400 yuan / ton. Southern port arrival concentration, expected to arrive 249000 tons, inventory is expected to rise again to a high level, downstream on-demand procurement, trading volume is low, traders quote lower.

The number of wheat on the market in the new season is gradually increasing, and the current wheat price remains in the doldrums. The future should pay attention to the price difference between corn and wheat, the purchasing attitude of feed enterprises, and the change of wind direction at the policy end (imported corn auction, etc.).

(source: southern Wheat Network, Nanjing National Grain Trading Center, Grain access Network, Zhongshitong, Feed Industry Information Network)


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