joyridenftgame|同兴达:公司在电磁屏蔽方面展开相关研发 已应用于主营模组产品中

Date: 4个月前 (05-27)View: 93Comments: 0

News summary

[Tong Xingda: The company has carried out relevant research and development in electromagnetic shielding and has been applied to its main module products] Securities Times e Company NewsjoyridenftgameTong Xingda (002845) stated on the interactive platform on May 27 that the company has carried out relevant research and development in electromagnetic shielding and has applied it in its main module products.

joyridenftgame|同兴达:公司在电磁屏蔽方面展开相关研发 已应用于主营模组产品中

Newsletter text

[Tong Xingda: The company's relevant research and development in electromagnetic shielding has been applied to its main module products] Securities Times e Company News, Tong Xingda (002845) stated on the interactive platform on May 27 that the company has carried out relevant research and development in electromagnetic shielding and has been applied to its main module products.


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