megamillionsjackpotnumbers| Fenjiu Yuan Qingmao: Liquor consumption may continue to decline in the next ten years. Only by making better wine, storing older wine, and selling more beautiful wine can there be a future

Date: 5个月前 (04-13)View: 80Comments: 0

Special topic: the 13th China Liquor T9 Summit

Sponsored by China Liquor Industry Association and hosted by Shanxi Fen Liquor Group, the 13th China Liquor T9 Summit was solemnly held in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province on April 12. At the summitMegamillionsjackpotnumbersYuan Qingmao, secretary of the party committee and chairman of Shanxi Xinghuacun Fenjiu Group Co., Ltd., delivered the following speech with the theme of "123" concept of Chinese liquor development.

The China Liquor T9 Summit is the highest-level strategic meeting of the liquor industry. Since it was founded by Chairman Song Shuyu and undertaken by Fenjiu in 2012, each summit has studied the situation, analyzed the trend, felt the pulse for the industry, empowered the enterprises, and played a very important guiding role in the healthy and sustainable development of the liquor industry over the past decade.

In the morning, I listened carefully to the keynote speech of Chairman Song Shuyu's "2024 Chinese Wine Industry: building confidence and strengthening the Source of value", which was very inspired. Centering on the theme of "Building confidence, consolidating the Source, and improving value", I would like to express my superficial views. I would like to ask members to criticize and correct them.

First, building confidence should be based on a changing situation.

In recent years, the total consumption of liquor as a whole is a continuous downward trend. In addition to the various factors caused by the special period of the epidemic, there are two aspects worthy of our attention.

megamillionsjackpotnumbers| Fenjiu Yuan Qingmao: Liquor consumption may continue to decline in the next ten years. Only by making better wine, storing older wine, and selling more beautiful wine can there be a future

On the one hand, there is a big change on the demand side. This is mainly due to the influence of two major laws. In 2011, he was sentenced to drunk driving. I checked the relevant data and found that the number of motor vehicles in China in 2011 was 2.Megamillionsjackpotnumbers.25 billion, reaching 435 million in 2023; 236 million citizens with driver's licenses in 2011 and 523 million in 2023. In 12 years, both numbers have almost doubled. These two figures should continue to grow until autopilot becomes popular. Although the Civil Code promulgated in 2021 does not explicitly stipulate the content of wine, if an accident occurs in the three aspects of persuasion, pouring and drinking, it is required to bear the liability for damages in accordance with the law, which will have a great impact on the demand side. Chinese drinking belongs to group drinking culture, cheers culture, the provisions of the Civil Code, so that the uncontrolled group drinking culture is being transformed into a restrained drinking culture under the mandatory norms of the law. These two laws are unprecedented demand-side changes for China's wine industry. The punishment of drunk driving will inevitably lead to a reduction in the frequency of drinking, and the provisions of the Civil Code will inevitably lead to a reduction in the average amount of alcohol consumed. Therefore, although the drinking population in China has not declined, the decline in drinking frequency and average alcohol consumption will inevitably lead to a continuous decline in alcohol consumption. As a mainstream liquor product, liquor is the most obvious. This is the demand side.

On the other hand, there is a great change on the supply side. As Chairman Song often said, for thousands of years in history, China has been in a state of lack of alcohol. It is only in the past 20 or 30 years that China has entered an era of long-term shortage of wine, long-term shortage of good wine and old wine. Consumers continue to concentrate on superior brands and superior producing areas, and advantageous brands and superior producing areas are bound to continue to expand superior production capacity. At the same time, enterprise energy storage is becoming more and more important, and the ratio of energy storage to production capacity has become an extremely critical measure. Only enterprises that brew good wine, store old wine and sell fine wine have a future. This is an unprecedented supply-side upheaval. With the combination of changes on the demand side and the supply side, we are facing a situation that can be called "a great change that has not happened in a thousand years."

Under such a great change, if we judge in terms of five or 10 years, liquor consumption may continue to decline; there are more and more good wines, more and more old wines, more and more common wines, and wines of poor quality or very average quality in the market. there will be less and less market. The whole wine market will eventually reach a new equilibrium, a new normal, a new market capacity. Therefore, today we are talking about building confidence on the basis of such a great change. Only by making good wine, storing old wine, selling good wine, making better wine, storing older wine, and selling better wine, can we have a future.

Second, to consolidate the source, it is necessary to stabilize the two foundations.

The ancients said: "the root is not solid and seek the length of wood, morality is not thick and think of the rule of the country, not also." As an enterprise, people and property, sales and supply, responsibility and rights, science and technology, quality, culture and so on are all important elements, but if we want to focus on the two core fundamentals, I think one is quality, the other is brand.

To stabilize the quality, the key is to establish a "high standard system of the whole industry chain". From micro-ecology, water source, raw grain, koji-making, brewing, distillation, storage, blending, assembly, logistics, marketing, every element and every link should establish standards according to the "extreme" requirements and the high standards of the whole industry chain to ensure the high standards of product quality, service quality and management quality; to ensure the long-term high standards of enterprises with 100 years of perseverance.

The key to stabilize the brand lies in brand positioning and living culture. Brand is culture, and brand added value is cultural added value. In fact, each of our enterprises is very rich in cultural resources, even too rich to focus on. If the positioning is not focused, the consumer attention will not be focused, and the brand will not be stable. It is not difficult to choose a good position, it is difficult to adhere to a position, and it is even more difficult to adhere to a position for a long time. Therefore, we also need to adhere to a position with 100 years of perseverance. Then around this positioning, creative transformation, innovative development, activate the rich cultural resources into the era expression, emotional expression and value expression that consumers like to hear and hear. The positioning remains unchanged and the form is ever-changing, so that the brand will always be active in the minds of consumers.

Third, to mention the value, we should focus on the three major values.

The first is industrial value. In recent years, while leading the healthy, orderly and sustainable development of the whole industry, China Wine Industry Association also pays special attention to the promotion of industrial social responsibility and the improvement of consumer awareness. In terms of social responsibility, the annual "National rational drinking Promotion week" has become the largest public welfare IP in the industry, and the continuous spread of high-speed rail media across the country last year had a great impact. In terms of consumer awareness, the "Wine Forum" is held every year at the Shanghai Wine Fair, which focuses on the focus, hot spots and pain points of alcohol consumption. Through the dialogue and collision between experts and Big V, it has aroused a high degree of social attention and spread the positive energy of the wine industry. These effective measures have significantly improved the value of the industry.






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